Board Information & Meetings

Volunteer Board Members

If you have questions about the association, please email or call one of our board members or send a note to our association email at

Sean Williams, President
Michelle Davis, Vice-President
      Contact:  /  785-218-7882  
Betsy Evans, Operations Secretary
      Contact: / 785-841-8839
Donna Butler, Treasurer
Bev McMurray, Recording Secretary
Greg Huebner, Communications Secretary

Since participation has been low, the HNA Board meets only occasionally. Meeting dates and times are typically noted in our monthly newsletters.

Most Recent Board Meeting Dates and Minutes


4th Annual Neighborhood Business Meeting Planned

Who:  HNA board invites Hillcrest neighbors
When:  Tuesday, February 11 (Meet-and-Greet at 6:30, Meeting at 7:00 PM)
Where: Hillcrest Elementary School Library

We will vote for three open board positions.  Names have been submitted for nominations include Michelle Davis (vice president), Donna Butler (treasurer), and Sarah Martin (communications).  Additional nominations may be made at the meeting.  We plan to discuss Association activities for the upcoming year and gauge support for a potential Oregon Trail marker in Water Tower Park.  Please bring your ideas!

30 Residents Attend 3rd Annual Neighborhood Meeting

Approximately 30 members of the Hillcrest Neighborhood Association met in the Hillcrest School Library on Tuesday, February 5, 2013, for the third annual meeting to which the entire membership was invited.  Representatives of The Big Event, a KU community service project, distributed information and forms and answered questions about this April 13 program.

President Sean Williams called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m., welcoming the attendees.  Stacey Wohlford presented the treasurer's report, informing the group of the present balance and describing the nature of HNA expenditures.  Betsy Evans introduced the sections leaders, seven of whom were present. 

After introducing guest speaker Bob Byers, President Williams turned the meeting over to Vice President Michelle Davis.  Mr. Byers, USD #497 School Board member, presented the argument in support of a school bond issue coming before the voters on April 2, 2013.  This no-tax-increase bond aims to equip our teachers and students with tools for 21st century teaching and learning and includes improvement of facilities, enhancement of technology and expansion of career and technical educational opportunities.  Mr. Byers and Rick Ingram, another School Board member present, answered questions and distributed flyers.  They requested that HNA members spread the word and help get out the vote for passage of this bond.

Following the presentation described above, Board members briefly described projects and activities sponsored by HNA the past year.  Betsy Evans gave a projected plan for cleanup of the “Welcome” boulder this spring; the success of the “green ribbon campaign,” a neighborhood effort to show support for the non-closure and non-consolidation of neighborhood elementary schools was discussed by several members, as was the potluck gathering at Hillcrest School playground in the summer of 2012 and the chili tasting and Halloween parade in the fall.  Anthony Lang reported on the cleanup of the 9th Street sidewalk between Avalon and Sunset by volunteers and offered to submit the paperwork to The Big Event for a repeat of this activity.  Neighbor Earl Schweppe suggested that participants in The Big Event direct their helpers to Water Tower Park for a similar cleanup; this idea was well received.  Sarah Martin, editor of the HNA newsletter, reminded attendees of HNA's most recent electronic presence, a blog called and encouraged everyone to look at and use it.  A suggestion was made to post information about HNA at the library.

The candidates for Board positions were elected unanimously by the membership:  Sean Williams, President; Stacey Wohlford, Recording Secretary; Betsy Evans, Operations Secretary.  Also unanimously passed were revisions to the bylaws, which more accurately describe the responsibilities of these three Board positions.

Bob Buddemeier, representing the Lawrence Jewish CommunityCongregation, requested that HNA members consider participating in a service for childcare that his community intends to introduce soon.

The meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM.